Thursday, January 3, 2013



Animal You | Chipmunk | Chipmunks have an omnivorous diet consisting mainly of seeds, nuts and other fruits, and buttons. Around humans, squirrels, cereals and vegetables and other plants cultivated farms and gardens to eat, so sometimes considered pests. Squirrels usually feed on the ground, but climb trees to nuts like hazelnuts and acorns to get. At the beginning of autumn, many species of squirrels begin conservation non-perishable food for the winter. Ready to cache their food in a supermarket in their dens, and remain in the nest until the spring, unlike other species, more cache small amounts of food. Western chipmunks only breed once a year.

Chipmunks construct expansive burrows more than 3.5 m in length, with a number of well-hidden entrances. Squirrels hibernate in winter, while the non Western squirrels, according to the shops in their dens. Squirrels play an important role as prey for various mammals and birds of prey, but are also opportunistic predators of the same, in particular with regard to the eggs and young birds. In Oregon, have tile mountains (currucoides Siala) observed energetically mobbing chipmunks that they see near their nest trees

It is believed that mammals can sleep in the subway, such as rodents and bats tend to sleep longer than those who must remain alert Chipmunks can be classified as a genre, Tamias, or as three genera: Tamias, including chipmunk, Eutamias, including the squirrel Siberian and Neotamias, with the remaining 23 species, mostly western cover.
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